
Hey to my very few subscribers, just an update on FLWC and our current status. As y9u probably noticed, we were approved as a well prepared Welcome Corps team. Time will tell if this is true, but we are as ready as we can be. Shortly after our approval, just before Thanksgiving, we were presented with a survey to help match us with a refugee family. It asked a rather long list of difficult questions, such as what kind of disabilities we would be willing to accept in refugees and such. So hard to say, oh now, we won’t accept people with autism, or PTSD. We waded through it as a group. It did not take 20 minutes, as we were told. So now we wait, hoping to be adequate to the job.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we are having a fundraiser at Ian’s Pizza at Olbrich Gardens, as we twiddle our thumbs. Information on our home page. Your support is always appreciated. Interestingly, we still have every dime we have raised, our only expenses so far having been this website, which was paid for by our team Member Lou. In fact we have made a little interest on the money as we have put it in a CD. Soon perhaps we will be spending it on a family. Hoping you are all well. will keep you posted. By the way, we will be at Ian’s Pizza on Wednesday, December 13 in person form about 6 to 7:30. C’mon by and have a slice. The pizza is quite good!


We have been matched!


Connections and waiting.