We have been matched!
Hi Everyone! Well, as of mid-December, we were officially matched with a young family residing in Tanzania in the Nyarugusu Refugee Camp. This young family has two small children, and will be traveling to madison Wisconsin to our warm welcome in the next few months. We couldn’t be much more excited to share one of the most livable cities in the USA with these young future citizens. Hopefully it won’t be 20 degrees below zero when they arrive. So far it has been a mild winter.
Wondering if you can help out? Yes you can! we will be needing clothes for a 2 year old, baby clothes, and the usual stuff like a play pen, changing table, stroller, and so on. Check out our needs list elsewhere on our website.
And one more thing. Think about getting involved in helping a refugee family. Right now over 10,000 people a day are coming across the southern border, looking for refuge. These are not murderers and rapists, but moms and dads, brothers and sisters just like you and I, who have been forced by circumstances, to flee their homes. There is lots of space and warmth here in our cities and small towns for new friends if we look. Thanks!